Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Texas Conclusion


Not just another group:

Not going to lie, today was a beast. We rolled up to the work sight at 8:35am and we rolled out at 8:20pm. The group at the other sight worked until 6pm. They rocked it out. They dominated their project. Good work guys!

Me and four other freaks (KB, Katy, Mel, Danielle,) stayed at Steve’s house until we finished sheet rocking the entire house. It was great. Steve is one incredible man. He really taught me what a truly selfless, humble person is like. Steve was so real, so thankful, and extremely laid back. Seriously, he had middle school boys and high school girls building on his house and it didn’t faze him!

Before we left, Steve wanted to make sure that he got our e-mail address so that we could stay in touch. Steve and I hugged four times within the last ten minutes that I was there. It was great! As he walked the five crazies, who spent their spring break rebuilding his house, to the van he continued to thank us. As I gave him my last hug he teared up and couldn’t finish saying thank you for the last time. That right there tells me one thing; we were not just another group who came to Bridge City Texas. We impacted a life for real. Not just a smile and a helping hand but hopefully a spiritually altering, eternally lasting impact. I know that I can close this day out in confidence that this group from UCF reflected Christ to the fullest of their abilities and Steve, John, Pastor Bobby, and the others saw what it looked like to be a follower of Christ. Don’t get me wrong, we still had our slip ups, and I know that I didn’t do perfect dry wall work, but I do know that the people we served saw an incredible reflection of Christ.

“Dear Lord I thank you for using us this week. Thank you for including us in your tool box and allowing us to partake in your plan. You are good. Thank you for Steve and his life. Lord I pray that he draws closer to you than he has ever been before. Allow him to feel you love, grace, mercy, joy, and peace. I pray that you bring healing to John. He is sick Lord. You know what his body needs and I pray that you place your healing hand upon him. I pray for the work that we completed. Keep those walls up and allow them to create an intimate, comfortable setting for whatever community may take place between them. You are truly awesome God! Thank you for teaching me and using me. Amen.”

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