Monday, October 19, 2009

Africa Continued...

The Best Day….8/19/09
Today may have been the best day. Team Brazil (my soccer team) won the championship game. At the end of regulation time the score was zero to zero so we had to end with a penalty kick shoot out. We were undefeated all week. I helped coached a teenage soccer team to win an entire soccer tournament and I couldn’t even speak their language! The team hoisted me up on their shoulders with the Brazilian flag. The day could not have been more story book. I think we should make a documentary tv show or something to share the awesomeness of this camp to the world!....Trent, Chris, and I gave our testimonies today. That was a big step for Chris. He was not excited about it but I know it was good for him. He has grown a lot this week. It’s been awesome to watch him. Other things that happened today; I gave my soccer shoes away, I lead worship, all of my boys on my team accepted Christ, I washed the feet of one of the Abisha leaders (discipleship leader/evangelist), I prayed over a Muslim convert and prayed that the Lord would soften his wife’s heart and that she would come to know Christ , almost got attacked by a pack of baboons, and Trent performed the greatest impersonation of riding a motorcycle in front of the kids.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I learned my boys names today; Zackarus – 15, Elimiu – 14, Solomon – 15, Emanuel – 16, Itara – 15, Elliesus – 32, Ashinave – 26. We did soccer drills out on the soccer field today. It felt like freshmen year soccer tryouts…it was awesome! The boys went swimming in the lake today. It was like taking a child to Disney World or six flags. They had the time of their lives in three feet deep water with life jackets on. Team Brazil (my team) dominated the soccer field today….today was a winning day…..After the night service UCF circled up to pray for the boys. We stood on the path that is between their cabin and the shintabate (bathroom). As we were praying, all of the boys walked by to go shower. It was incredible because my group was being shady and just did not want to go over by the boys cabins to pray because they didn’t want to be seen. When we were trying to be invisible in our prayer the Lord threw us out in the open for all to see what we were doing. Many of the boys may have never been prayed for before this week. As we stood in that circle on that path I prayed that EVERY boy attending this camp would come to know Christ. After I ended that prayer the boys began to sing a song. They spoke in Amharic so I did not know what they were singing but it sounded beautiful. At that moment I felt the peace of God came over me and I knew that one day we will all be sharing in worship together in God’s Kingdom…